Penang Transportation

Bus service from Kuala Lumpur to Penang you have to go to KL city busstation and buy the ticket there but before you go you also can check the time and everything online and call to reserve the ticket.

TRAINTrain You can ride a train from Kuala Lumpur to Butterworth through the Government-owned Malaysian Railways (KTMB). From Butterworth, it is a matter of taking a ferry across or taxi by the bridge to the island. The duration of the journey from Kuala Lumpur to Penang is approximately 6-7 hours. Please check this website for more information

Air From International KL Airport (KLIA) take shuttle bus to LCCT terminal to catch the domestic flight to Penang.

Car You could rent the car from KLIA or take a Taxi. Take the North-South Highway connects Penang to major cities on the West side of Peninsular Malaysia. Travel by highway can take anywhere from 4-5 hours with toll charges in between.Once you reach Butterworth, which is the entry point to the island, you may either take the Penang Bridge or a ferry to cross from the mainland. The bridge charge is set at RM7.00 to get in but is free when you exit the island.